Samarkand regional government w w w . s a m a r k a n d . u z



The center is the Payshanba  town.

 It was established on February 2, 1929.

The total area is 1,39 thousand km2.

Number of urban-type settlements (towns) - 8. The number of neighborhood citizens' gatherings is 71, of which 14 are urban, and 11 are rural citizens' assemblies. Village settlements - 172.

According to the state of January 1, 2016, the number of permanent residents is 251 704 people, including 48 922 in urban areas (men - 24 754, women - 24 168), in rural areas - 202 782 people (men - 102 527, women - 100 255).

Distance to Samarkand - 100 km. Bordering  region - Navoi, districts - Pastdargom, Nurabad, Ishtikhan, Narpay, Kushrabot.

The governor of the district - Nasriddinov Jamshid Tulkinovich

Location: 141400, Kadan town

Phone: (0366) 231-98-74


Kattakurgan is the name of the town and town district in the Samarkand Province. It is located on the flat part of the Zarafshan valley, on the left bank of the Narpay canal. Archaeological excavations refer to ancient rich culture of the city. During the archeological excavations carried out by B. Kastolsky, aquarius - coffins were found. Toponym  is composed of large and strong words, "great city, great fortress".

E.Murzayev connects his Great word with a Persian-like wing (wraped , dug). Korgon means  as "hill" and Kattakurgan means "the hill town, the fortress" (Dosimov Z., Ehomov X. Place names, T: Teacher, 1977, p. 79).


Date edited: 03/03/2021 08:57.   Views: 3058
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