The center – Aktash city.
It was established on September 29, 1926.
The total area is 0.44 thousand km2.
Number of urban-type settlements (towns) - 3.
The number of neighborhood citizens' assemblies is 57, of which 16 are urban, and 9 are rural citizens' assemblies. Village settlements - 117.
According to the state of January 1, 2016, the number of permanent residents is 197,811, of which 60,860 in urban areas (31,453 men for men, 29,407 for men), 136,951 in rural areas (men - 69 344, women - 67,607).
Distance to Samarkand - 110 km.
The bordering region is Navoi, the districts -Kattakurgan, Nurabad, Pakhtachi.
The governor of the district - Buranov Sherbek Erkinovich
Address: Alisher Navoi Street, 64, Aktash city, 141200
Phone: (0366) 231-98-19
e-mail: narpay@samarkand.uz
Narpay is the name of the village and district in Samarkand Province. Narpay is also an old irrigation canal in the Samarkand Province with a length of 110 kilometers. This canal starts from the Zarafshan river in Karadarya and terminates in Navoi region. “Nahr” means river, canal and brook in Arabic language , and “Pay “ means a finishing place in Persian, that is to say a finishing place of a river
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