Samarkand regional government w w w . s a m a r k a n d . u z



The center is Nurabad city.

It was established on  November 26, 1975.

The center is Nurabad city.

The total area is 4,800 km2.

 Number of urban-type settlements (towns) - 1. The number of neighborhood citizens 'assemblies is 35, of which 4 are urban, and 7 are rural citizens' assemblies. Village settlements - 94 people.

According to the state of  January1 2016, the number of permanent residents is 138 507 people, of whom 16426 are in urban areas (8266 for men, 8160 for women) and 122 081 in rural areas (men - 61 020, women - 61 061).

Distance to Samarkand - 65 km.

 The border regions are Kashkadarya, Navoi, districts - Samarkand, Pakhtachi, Narpay, Kattakurgan, Pastdargom.

The governor of the district  - Buranov Maxsud Erkinovich

Address: 1, Mustakillik street., Nurabad city, 141100

Phone: (0366) 231-98-81


Nurabad is the name of the city and village of the district  in Samarkand Province. Toponym was composed by joining two Nur and abad words

Date edited: 26/02/2025 13:43.   Views: 2898
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