Samarkand regional department of except Budget Pension Fund under the Ministry of Finance |
Tasks and functions |
Location: |
Samarkand city, Kuksaroy area, house 2 |
Leader: |
Jurayev Zayniddin Tursunboevich |
Phone: |
66 231-1166, 66 233-37-89, 66 233-47-50 |
Helpline: |
1140 |
Fax: |
66 233-47-50 |
Website: |
Email: |
Samarkand-pensiya@sampf.mf.uz |
E-Mail: |
sam-pensiya@exat.uz |
Zip / Postal Index: |
140157 |
Time of reception of citizens: |
Everyday from 09-00 till 13-00 |
Treasury Department on the Samarkand Region |
Functions and functions |
Location: |
Samarkand city, Kuksaroy 2, house. |
Leader: |
Tuychiev Hamza Khakimovich |
Phone: |
66 231-11-80, 66 235-33-11 |
Helpline: |
66 231-20-20 |
Fax: |
66 231-11-80 |
Website: |
www.mf.uz/uz/component/k2/item/210-samarkandskaya-oblast.html |
E-Mail: |
samgazna@exat.uz |
Zip / Postal Index: |
140157 |
Time of reception of citizens: |
From Monday to Thursday of every week, from 11-00 to 13-00 |
Regional Department of Internal Affairs |
Functions and functions |
Location: |
Samarkand city, Bostansharoy street, 89 |
Leader: |
Tashpulatov Aziz Anvarovich |
Phone: |
66 233-39-39, 66 233-12-34 |
Helpline: |
102 |
Fax: |
66 233-11-11 |
Email: |
17182000@mvd.uz |
Zip / Postal Index: |
140100 |
Time of reception of citizens: |
Every Friday from 09-00 till 12-00 |
Samarkand Regional Emergency Situations Department |
Functions and functions |
Location: |
Samarkand city, Gagarin street, house 73 |
Leader: |
Meyliev Ulmas Pardaevich |
Phone: |
66 233-11-24, 66 231-07-71 |
Helpline: |
66 231-07-71, 66 231-10-50 |
Fax: |
66 233-11-24 |
Website: |
Email: |
Samarqand@fvv.uz |
E-Mail: |
Samarkandfvb@exat.uz |
Zip / Postal Index: |
140117 |
Time of reception of citizens: |
Every week on Tuesdays, from 10-00 to 12-00 |
Samarkand Region Justice Department |
Functions and functions |
Location: |
Samarkand city, Bobur Mirzo street, house 12 |
Leader: |
Halilov Akram Utamuradovich |
Phone: |
66 233-13-59, 66 233-04-62 |
Helpline: |
1008 |
Fax: |
66 233-13-59 |
Website: |
E-mail: |
samarqand@minjust.gov.uz, samarqand@adliya.uz |
Zip / Postal Index: |
140105 |
Time of reception of citizens: |
Every Friday from 10.00 to 13.00 |
Branch of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Samarkand region |
Functions and functions |
Location: |
Samarkand city, Kuksaroy area, house 1 |
Leader: |
Malikov Jafar |
Phone: |
66 235-30-58 |
Helpline: |
66 238-51-00 |
Fax: |
66 231-03-76 |
Website: |
E-mail: |
Samaferr@umail.uz |
Zip / Postal Index: |
140157 |
Time of reception of citizens: |
Saturdays from 11.00 to 13.00 |
Samarkand regional branch of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on privatized enterprises and development of competition |
Functions and functions |
Location: |
Samarkand city, Mir Saeed Baraka street, 49 |
Leader: |
Hamraev Mansur Ulmasovich |
Phone: |
66 233-75-70, 233-73-54 |
Helpline: |
66 233-31-33 |
Fax: |
66 233-31-33, 233-73-54 |
Website: |
E-mail: |
samarqand@gkk.uz, Samarkand-gkk@exat.uz |
Zip / Postal Index: |
140108 |
Time of reception of citizens: |
Every week on Wednesdays from 15.00 to 18.00 |
Samarkand Region State Tax Administration |
Functions and functions |
Location: |
Samarkand city, Gagarin str., 85 A |
Leader: |
Ahmedov Shodiyor Eshmurodovich |
Phone: |
66 234-28-74 234-25-63 |
Helpline: |
66 234-06-16 |
Fax: |
66 234-42-36 |
Website: |
E-mail: |
samarqand@soliq.uz, samarkand.dsb@exat.uz |
Zip / Postal Index: |
140103 |
Time of reception of citizens: |
Everyday from 09.00 till 11.00. |
Main Administration of Samarkand Region |
Functions and functions |
Location: |
Samarkand city, Kuksaroy square, 1-D building |
Leader: |
Nazarov Bahrom Amanovich |
Phone: |
66 233-28-43; 233-21-04 |
Fax: |
66 231-14-83 |
Website: |
E-mail: |
sam-vil-arx@mail.ru |
Zip / Postal Index: |
140100 |
Time of reception of citizens: |
Monday and Friday, 09.30 to 12.30 |
Samarkand Region's Press and Information Department |
Functions and functions |
Location: |
Samarkand city, Ulug Tursunov street, 82 |
Leader: |
Ibodullaev Mannob Maxmatmurodovich |
Phone: |
66 235-28-36 |
Helpline: |
66 235-28-36 |
Fax: |
66 235-28-36 |
E-mail: |
samarqandapi@umail.uz, samvmab@exat.uz |
Zip / Postal Index: |
140100 |
Time of reception of citizens: |
Every Wednesday from 10.00 to 12.00, Friday from 14.00 to 16.00 |
Samarkand regional administration of the Ministry of information technologies and communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan |
Functions and functions |
Location: |
Samarkand city, Gagarin street, house 62 |
Leader: |
Eshnazarov Nodir Tirkashovich |
Phone: |
66 234-42-12 |
Fax: |
66 234-12-90 |
Website: |
E-mail: |
depsamarkand@mitc.uz, sam.mitc@exat.uz |
Zip / Postal Index: |
140103 |
Time of reception of citizens: |
Weekly Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 12.00; Wednesday from 15.00 to 17.00. |
State Inspectorate for Supervision of Communications and Informatization, Samarkand Regional Inspectorate |
Functions and functions |
Location: |
Samarkand city, Gagarin street, house 62 |
Leader: |
Rakhmatov Kamil Tolipovich |
Phone: |
66 234-20-44 |
Helpline: |
66 235-01-11 |
Fax: |
66 233-54-13 |
Website: |
E-mail: |
samarkand@gis.uz |
Zip / Postal Index: |
140103 |
Time of reception of citizens: |
Every week on Tuesdays and Fridays from 15.00 to 17.00 |
Samarkand Standardization and Metrology Department |
Functions and functions |
Location: |
Samarkand city, Amir Temur street, 147 a |
Leader: |
Saidov Mamasodiq Roziqovich |
Phone: |
66 222-28-51 221-01-33 |
Helpline: |
66 222-28-51 |
Fax: |
66 221-01-33 |
Website: |
E-mail: |
samarkandusm@standart.uz, samusm@exat.uz |
Zip / Postal Index: |
140145 |
Time of reception of citizens: |
Every week on Tuesdays and Fridays from 16.00 to 18.00 |
Samarkand regional administration of the Uzbek Agency for Automobile and River Transport |
Functions and functions |
Location: |
Samarkand city, Amir Temur str., 69 |
Leader: |
Khamraev Inoyatillo Khushievich |
Phone: |
(0-366) 233-71-12 |
Helpline: |
(0-366) 233-71-12 |
Fax: |
(0-366) 233-71-12 |
Website: |
E-mail: |
samarqanddep@uzaart.uz, auto_samarqand@exat.uz |
Zip / Postal Index: |
140108 |
Time of reception of citizens: |
Every week on Tuesdays and Fridays from 09.00 to 13.00 |
Samarkand Regional Archive Office |
Functions and functions |
Location: |
Samarkand city, Kuksaroy area, house 7 |
Leader: |
Mamanazarov Abduvali Ablakulovich |
Phone: |
66 233-56-50, 233-53-13 |
Helpline: |
66 233-56-50 |
Fax: |
66 233-56-50 |
Website: |
E-mail: |
samarkand@archive.uz, samarchive@exat.uz |
Zip / Postal Index: |
140157 |
Time of reception of citizens: |
Every week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 09.00 to 12.00 |
Samarkand Regional Department , the center of Coordinating and Developing expensive paper |
Functions and functions |
Location: |
Samarkand city, Mir Said Baraka street, 47 |
Leader: |
Jormatov Norboy Alibaevich |
Phone: |
66 233-16-49, 233-45-96 |
Helpline: |
66 233-16-49 |
Fax: |
66 233-45-96 |
Website: |
E-mail: |
Samarkand@ksm.gov.uz |
Zip / Postal Index: |
140108 |
Time of reception of citizens: |
Every Thursday from 10.00 to 12.00 |
Samarkand regional council of association of trade unions |
Functions and functions |
Location: |
Samarkand, Shohi Zindeh, room 149 |
Leader: |
Rafikov Sukhrob Abdugaffarovich |
Phone: |
66 239-78-56, 239-78-58 |
Helpline: |
66 239-78-56 |
Fax: |
66 239-78-56 |
Website: |
E-mail: |
samarqand@kasaba.uz |
Zip / Postal Index: |
140100 |
Time of reception of citizens: |
Every Friday, Friday, from 09.00 to 12.00 |
Hydrometeorological Department of Samarkand Region |
Functions and functions |
Location: |
Samarkand city, Selkavornaya, house 60 |
Leader: |
Mirzoev Vagif Adilovich |
Phone: |
66 210-17-02, 66 210-17-00 |
Helpline: |
66 210-17-03 |
Fax: |
66 210-17-01 |
Website: |
E-mail: |
ugmsamarkand@meteo.uz |
Zip / Postal Index: |
140143 |
Time of reception of citizens: |
Every week on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 16.00 to 17.00 |
Samarkand regional branch of Uzdavenegronazorat Inspectorate |
Functions and functions |
Location: |
Samarkand city, 7 Buyuk Ipak Yuli street |
Leader: |
Khashimov Olim Rabbimovich |
Phone: |
66 222-56-76, 221-01-39 |
Helpline: |
66 222-56-76 |
Fax: |
66 222-56-76 |
Website: |
E-mail: |
samarkand@energonazorat.uz |
Zip / Postal Index: |
140158 |
Time of reception of citizens: |
Every week on Tuesday from 15.00 to 17.00 |
Samarkand Regional Inspectorate of State Inspection "Sanoatgeokontekhnazorat" |
Functions and functions |
Location: |
Samarkand city, Farkhad str., 3 |
Leader: |
Sharapov Zoyid Rashidovich |
Phone: |
66 234-13-45 |
Helpline: |
66 234-13-45 |
Fax: |
66 234-13-45 |
Website: |
E-mail: |
Samarqand@sgktn.gov.uz |
Zip / Postal Index: |
140103 |
Time of reception of citizens: |
Every week from Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 18.00 |
Development Department of Samarkand Tourism |
Functions and functions |
Location: |
Samarkand city, Kuksaroy area, house 1 |
Leader : |
Narzikulov Dilshod Rustamovich |
Phone: |
66 231-08-57 |
Helpline: |
66 231-08-57 |
Fax: |
66 231-08-57 |
E-mail: |
Samarkand@uzbektourism.uz, samarkandtourism@exat.uz |
Zip / Postal Index: |
140100 |
Time of reception of citizens: |
Every week on Tuesdays and Fridays from 10.00 to 12.00 |
Inspectorate of Samarkand regional construction supervision |
Functions and functions |
Location: |
Samarkand city, Kuksaroy square, D-corpus, 2-storey, 2nd floor. |
Leader: |
Ilmuratov Shokir |
Phone: |
66 235-08-57, 235-69-23 |
Fax: |
66 235-08-57 |
Website: |
E-mail: |
samgasn2012@mail.ru |
Zip / Postal Index: |
140157 |
Time of reception of citizens: |
Every week from Monday to Friday from 09.00 to 18.00 |
Inspectorate of plant quarantine in Samarkand region |
Functions and functions |
Location: |
Samarkand city, Gagarin str., 13, first lane |
Leader: |
Hasanov Saidmurat Kurbanovich |
Phone: |
66 229-15-77 |
Helpline: |
66 229-15-77 |
Fax: |
66 229-15-77 |
Website: |
E-mail: |
samqand@karantin.uz |
Zip / Postal Index: |
140131 |
Time of reception of citizens: |
Every week from Monday to Friday from 16.00 to 18.00 |
Samarkand regional branch of Uzdavneftgaz Inspection |
Functions and functions |
Location: |
Samarkand city, Beruniy street, house 65 |
Leader: |
Makhsumov Ikrom Ergashevich |
Phone: |
66 233-63-63 |
Helpline: |
66 234-27-07, 234-63-63 |
Fax: |
66 234-27-07 |
Website: |
E-mail: |
Samarqand@uzngi.uz, i.maxsumov@exat.uz |
Zip / Postal Index: |
140107 |
Time of reception of citizens: |
Every week on Monday from 14.00 to 16.00 |
Samarkand regional administration of the Central Bank |
Functions and functions |
Location: |
Samarkand city, Shohrux Mirzo 19, house |
Leader: |
Sobirov Kayum Hamraevich |
Phone: |
66 233-37-02, 66 233-14-51 |
Helpline: |
66 233-47-07 |
Fax: |
66 233-37-02 |
Website: |
E-mail: |
cbsam@exat.uz |
Zip / Postal Index: |
140100 |
Time of reception of citizens: |
Every week from Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 18.00 |
The organization of Samarkandavtoyul regional road maintenance |
Functions and functions |
Location: |
Samarkand city, Nabieva street, house 3 |
Leader: |
Khasanov Kakhramon Qurbonovich |
Phone: |
66 234-26-08, 234-26-59 |
Fax: |
66 234-26-08 |
E-mail: |
samarqand@uzavtoyul.uz |
Zip / Postal Index: |
140117 |
Time of reception of citizens: |
Tuesday and Friday from 09.00 to 12.00 |
Veterinary Department of Samarkand region |
Functions and functions |
Location: |
Samarkand city, 131 Yunguncha aryk street, 4th floor |
Leader: |
Toshmuratov Elmurod Amirovich |
Phone: |
66 233-70-40 |
Helpline: |
66 233-70-40, 233-72-65 |
Fax: |
66 233-72-65, 233-70-40 |
Website: |
E-mail: |
samarkand@vetgov.uz |
Zip / Postal Index: |
140103 |
Time of reception of citizens: |
Monday to Friday from 14.00 to 17.00 |
The open joint-stock company of Samarkand regional rlectric networks |
Functions and functions |
Location: |
Samarkand city, Gagarin street, house 151 |
Leader: |
Pardaev Mahmud Hamidovich |
Phone: |
66 233-03-42 |
Helpline: |
66 233-03-42, 234 21 49 |
Fax: |
66 233-73-25 |
Website: |
E-mail: |
1718000@uzbekenergo.uz |
Zip / Postal Index: |
140108 |
Time of reception of citizens: |
Monday - Friday from 10.00 to 16.00 |
"Single Customer Service" engineering company of Samarkand Region authority |
Functions and functions |
Location: |
Samarkand city, Kuksaroy area, 2-nd building, 3-4 floor |
Leader: |
Murodkobilov Dilshod |
Phone: |
66 235-33-38 |
Fax: |
66 231-10-93 |
E-Mail: |
sam.ik@exat.uz |
Time of reception of citizens: |
Every Friday from 14.00 to 18.00 |
“Village construction invest” engineering company ,branch of Samarkand regional |
Functions and functions |
Location: |
Samarkand city, Kuksaroy area, 1, 6th floor. |
Leader: |
Ziyodullayev Sa'dulla Ivadullaevich |
Phone: |
66 231-07-65, 66 231-06-56 |
Fax: |
66 233-07-65 |
E-mail: |
samqqi@mail.ru |
Time of reception of citizens: |
Everyday from 09.00 to 18.00 |
Samarkand regional department of commerce and industry chamber |
Functions and functions |
Location: |
Samarkand city, Alisher Navoi str. 58 |
Leader: |
Yuldashev Sherali Mamaraimovich |
Phone: |
66 210-11-01 |
Helpline: |
66 210-11-01 |
Fax: |
66 210-11-01 |
Website: |
E-mail: |
samssp@exat.uz, sm @ chamber.uz |
Zip / Postal Index: |
140100 |
Time of reception of citizens: |
Everyday from 09.00 to 18.00 |
Samarkand regional branch of Uzagrosugurta |
Functions and functions |
Location: |
Samarkand city, 51, Uzbekistanskaya str |
Leader: |
Boliev Anvar Begalievich |
Phone: |
66 231-07-85, 233-20-54 |
Helpline: |
66 231-07-85 |
Fax: |
66 233-71-91 |
Website: |
E-mail: |
Samarqand@agros.uz samagros@exat.uz |
Zip / Postal Index: |
140105 |
Time of reception of citizens: |
On Monday from 10.00 to 13.00 |
Samarkand regional branch of Uzbekinvest National Export and Import Insurance Company |
Functions and functions |
Location: |
Samarkand city, pochta street, house 13 |
Leader: |
Dilayev Dilshod Yusupovich |
Phone: |
66 233-27-79, 233-68-80 |
Helpline: |
66 210-17-17 |
Fax: |
66 233-27-79 |
Website: |
E-mail: |
sam@uzbekinvest.uz |
Zip / Postal Index: |
140100 |
Time of reception of citizens: |
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 10.00 to 12.00 |
Samarkand branch of the Republic commodity exchange |
Functions and functions |
Location: |
Samarkand city, Kuksaroy area, house 1 |
Leader: |
Sulaymanov Khurshid Tulkinovich |
Phone: |
66 233-90-40, 233- 90-20, 233-90-30 |
Helpline: |
66 233-90-20 |
Fax: |
66 233-90-30 |
E-mail: |
sam_makleriat@rtsb.uz, sam_gz@rtsb.uz |
Zip / Postal Index: |
140157 |
Time of reception of citizens: |
From Monday to Friday, from 09.00 to 18.00 |
Land resources and State cadastre offise of Samarkand Region |
Functions and functions |
Location: |
Samarkand city, 56 "A", Gulobod street, |
Leader: |
Hakimov Sodiqjon Ikromovich |
Phone: |
66 233-94-24, 239-81-70 |
Helpline: |
66 233-94-24 |
Fax: |
66 233-94-24 |
Website: |
E-mail: |
info@samkadastr.uz |
Zip / Postal Index: |
140129 |
Time of reception of citizens: |
Every week on Thursday, from 09.00 to 12.00 |
"Suvoqova" state unitary enterprise |
Functions and functions |
Location: |
Samarkand city, Uzbekistan street ,114 A house |
Leader: |
Yusupov Komilbek Shukhratovich |
Phone: |
66 237-04-08, 237-09-03 |
Helpline: |
66 237-09-03 |
Fax: |
66 237-04 08 |
Website: |
E-mail: |
waterokova@mail.ru |
Zip / Postal Index: |
140143 |
Time of reception of citizens: |
On Monday from 16.00 to 17.00 |
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