The center is Gulabad city.
It was established on September 29, 1926.
Total area - 0.43 thousand km2.
Number of urban-type settlements (towns) - 2 units. The number of neighborhood citizens 'gatherings is 77, of which 9 are urban, and 8 are rural citizens' gatherings. Village settlements - 75 people.
According to the state of January 1, 2016, the number of permanent residents of the country is 2,32,382, of which 14,034 people (men - 7,267 women, 6,767 women) and 2,18,348 in rural areas (men - 110,274 women and 108,077 women).
Distance to Samarkand - 10 km.
The bordering region - Kashkadarya, districts-Urgut, Tailak, Jomboy, Akdarya, Nurabad, Pastdargom.
The governor of the district- Usmanov Sirojiddin Khairulaevich
Address: 140300, Samarkand district, Gulabad town
Phone: (0366) 231-99-31
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