It was founded in the VI century BC.
The total area is 0.12 thousand km2.
Number of urban-type settlements (towns) - 3.
The number of community meetings is 222.
As of January 1, 2021, the permanent population is 551746 people (men - 267092, women - 284 654).
Border districts - Samarkand, Pastdargom, Jambay, Taylak, Akdarya.
Mayor - Umarov Fazliddin Karimovich
Address: 140129, Samarkand city, Abdurahmon Jamiy street, 59
Phone: (0366) 235-01-80
e-mail: info@samshahar.uz
Samarkand is an ancient city, region and district of the same name. Historians consider this city to be on a par with Babylon, Thebes, Athens, Rome, and other similar cities. There are different views on the etymology of the toponym. Almost all researchers consider the second part toponym to be Turkish – “kent”, - “kand”, meaning village, city.
According to “Kent” Mahmoud Kashgari, every city on the east side is mentioned (DLT, 1, p. 327). But the first part of the toponym is interpreted differently in the sources. In some sources Samar is associated with the name of a man, the name of the commander, while in others Samara is interpreted as a city of fruits, crops, sweets etc.
Beruni writes: "Samarkand is “Samizkand” in Turkish, one of the cities of enlightenment." "The Oguzs and those close to them call Samarkand “Samizkand”-fat because of its size," Kashgari said.
Hasanov, agreed with this etymology of the toponym, connected another comment, the first part of the name, with the Persian “Hamara” with the word "meeting, gathering" and said "gathering place, consultative village". interprets the name as “a village near a stream” (Dosimov Z., Egamov H. Brief Annotated Dictionary of Place Names, T .: Teacher, 1977, pp. 122-123).
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