Samarkand regional government w w w . s a m a r k a n d . u z



The center is Kushrabat town.

Date of foundation - April 3, 1978.

 The total area is 2,16 thousand km2.

Number of urban-type settlements (towns) - 2 units.

The number of neighborhood citizens 'assemblies is 39, including 4 neighborhoods , and 7 rural citizens' assemblies.

Village settlements - 137.

According to the state   of January 1, 2016, the number of permanent residents is 120,511, of which 12 065 in urban areas (men - 6,313, women - 5,752), in rural areas - 108,446 people (men - 55,063 women and 53 383 women).

Distance to Samarkand - 100 km.

Bordering regions - Navoi, Jizzakh,districts- Kattakurgan, Ishtikhan, Payarik.

The governor of the district - Shakarboyev Dilshod Davronovich

Address: 2, Gafur Gulyam Street, Kushrabat city, 140900

Phone: (0366) 231-14-12


Kushrabat is the name of the district and district center in Samarkand Province. The first component of the toponym word “Kush” means two or couple . The word Rabat meant a fortified building for the military, as it was originally during the spread of Islam. Later it also meant the caravanserai (hotel). The term "Rabat" is derived from numerous names (Karayev S., Gulyamov P., Rahimbekov R. Geographical terms and definitions dictionary, T: Teacher, 1979, p. Kushrabat  is a place where two inns are built .

Date edited: 15/06/2022 12:04.   Views: 2546
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