Samarkand regional government w w w . s a m a r k a n d . u z



The center is Juma city.

It was established on September 29, 1926.

Total area - 0.87 thousand km2.

Number of urban-type settlements (towns) - 12.

The number of neighborhood citizens 'assemblies - 107, of which 14 are urban, and 13 are rural citizens' assemblies.

Village settlements - 151.

 According to the state of  January 1, 2016, the number of permanent residents is 325,251, of which 87 461 people in urban areas (43,948 men - 43,513 men), 237,790 in rural areas (men - 118,830, women - 118,900).

Distance to Samarkand - 24 km. The bordering regions - Ishtikhan, Akdarya, Samarkand, Nurabad, Kattakurgan.

The governor of the district is Raxmanov Sherzod Shuxratovich

Address: 24 Amir Temur Street, Juma, 140500

Phone: (0366) 231-98-23



Pastdargom is the name of the village and district in Samarkand province. The second component of the toponym is Dargom - an ancient canal, brook that comes from the Zarafshan River is about 100 km lengths. Starting from the "First May" dam of Zarafshan River, it ends in the desert of the Ulus. Historical sources say that the brook was excavated in the V-IV centuries BC.

On the card created by Claudius Ptolemy (II century), this name is mentioned Dargomoniy style. The first component of the toponym is Darg "long" and the second part is “om” the changed form of “ob”. Because the sound of the "b" and "m" sound is encountered.

Hence, Dargom or Dargob means "long or big water" (Dusimov Z., Egamov Kh.  A short description of  place names, T: Teacher, 1977, p. 48).

Date edited: 26/06/2024 15:23.   Views: 4387
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