The center Bulungur city.
It was established on September 29, 1926.
The total area is 0.76 thousand square kilometers.
Number of urban-type settlements (towns) - 3.
The number of neighborhood citizens 'assemblies is 55, of which 13 are urban settlements, and 7 are rural citizens' assemblies.
Village settlements - 143 units.
According to the state of January 1, 2016 the number of permanent population is 171 863, of which 38986 people are urban (20 015 men, 18971 are women), 132877 in rural areas (men - 67 316, women - 65 561).
Distance to Samarkand - 28 km. The bordering country - Tajikistan, the region - Jizzakh, the districts - Jomboy, Taylak, Urgut.
The governor of the district -Astanov Samandar Mustafoqulovich
Location: 140200, Bulungur district, Mustakillik street, house 1
Phone: (0366) 231-99-01
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