Samarkand regional government w w w . s a m a r k a n d . u z



The center is Jomboy.

It was established on December 7, 1970.

Total area - 0.55 thousand km2.

Number of urban-type settlements (towns) - 5. The number of neighbouring citizens 'assemblies is 39, including 11 communities, 8 - rural citizens' gatherings. Village settlements - 134 people.

According to the state of  January 1, 2016, the number of permanent residents of the city is 155,503 people, of which 35,631 are in urban (17,982 men, 17,649 women), 119,872 in rural areas (men - 60,868, women - 59,004)

The distance to Samarkand is 13 km.

Bordering region - Jizzakh, districts - Bulungur, Tailak, Samarkand, Akdarya, Payarik.

The governor of the district - Nazarov Xurshid Aripovich

Address: 140400, Jomboy district, Mustakillik street, house 1

Phone: (0366) 231-99-12


  Jomboy is the name of the village district and district center in Samarkand Province. Toponym  is not related to the word jom or yom, "station, fort”. E. Koychibaev also said that Jomboy was located in The Gurev  region of  Kazakhistan, and was created by basis of  ethnic name. The name of a clan of the Jomboy Kazakh (Dosimov Z. Egamov X, a short explanatory dictionary of the place names . T: Teacher, 1977, p. 62).

Date edited: 26/02/2025 11:50.   Views: 4481
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