Samarkand regional government w w w . s a m a r k a n d . u z

Issues of new investment projects and supporting export have been discussed.

Issues of new investment projects and supporting export have been discussed.

Foreign direct investments have entered every district and city in recent years as a result of efforts to create a favorable business environment in our country.

The number of exporting enterprises has increased. The types of exported products also increased by a factor of 3,000. The export geography of our region includes more than 160 countries today. The export of finished products doubled, and their share in the export of goods approached 60%.Consistently continuing this pace, it is planned to implement more than 500 new projects with a total value of more than 2 billion US dollars in the Samarkand region this year. And it is planned to achieve this goal mainly by absorbing foreign direct investments.

At the moment, systematic work is being organized to implement these projects and direct them to the benefit of the people. At the next meeting was held at the provincial governor's office, these issues, implementation of new investment projects and export support were discussed. Deputy governors of the region, district and city governors and officials reported on their work in this regard at the meeting.

Each report was thoroughly discussed and errors and omissions were pointed out. Specific tasks were assigned to network officials for quick elimination of problems arising during the implementation of projects.

The Governor of Samarkand region Erkinjon Turdimov has emphasized that the current results are not enough and it is necessary to do two or three times more. He has also said that entrepreneurs who are implementing projects can directly contact the governor of the region in case of problems and that the governorship will help them. The officials were given instructions on the need to find solutions to the problems, analyze the foreign markets and develop new markets by weekly monitoring the execution of the projects in the regions and complexes at the end of the meeting.

Date edited: 13/06/2023 20:51.   Views: 178
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