Samarkand regional government w w w . s a m a r k a n d . u z

The head of the region has met with the “neighborhood seven” in the “Gus” area of the Urgut district.

The head of the region has met with the “neighborhood seven” in the “Gus” area of the Urgut district.

40 thousand people live in the neighborhoods in this area where raisin growing, fruit processing, and handicrafts are the driving industries in the region.

The work to increase the income of the population in the neighborhoods, the support provided to them, ensuring the employment of citizens, developing entrepreneurship, educating youth, preventing early marriage, and working with women were discussed during the meeting between the acting regional governor Adiz Boboev and representatives of the “neighborhood seven”. Proposals and recommendations were made to further develop the infrastructure of the region and create amenities for the population. Current tasks were set to further improve the work carried out by employees of the neighborhood.

Date edited: 20/02/2025 09:17.   Views: 17
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