Samarkand regional government w w w . s a m a r k a n d . u z

99 Russian-invested enterprises are operating in Samarkand

99 Russian-invested enterprises are operating in Samarkand

The President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, who paid a state visit to our country on May 26-27, noted that “Uzbekistan is our strategic partner and reliable ally.”

The conversation between the leaders of the two countries lasted for three hours. During the negotiations, it was decided to implement the projects of construction of low-power nuclear power plants between Russia and Uzbekistan, and to open a trade representative office of Uzbekistan in the Russian Federation. There are agreements between the states on the modernization of the gas transportation system, the increase in the volume of gas, oil and oil products supply, and the implementation of hydrocarbon processing projects. Also, a number of important areas such as agriculture, security, migration, food safety, innovations, digital technologies, artificial intelligence were considered. The volume of foreign trade turnover between our region and the Russian Federation in 2023 and the first quarter of 2024 amounted to 861.4 million dollars (export 300.5 million dollars, import 560.9 million dollars). If we look at the numbers, 99, including 49 joint ventures and 50 foreign enterprises, are operating in our region in cooperation with the Russian state. Also, in 2023, as a result of foreign investments worth 36.2 million dollars from the Russian state, 1 project was launched and more than 80 new jobs were created. Currently, 5 new projects worth 36 million dollars are being implemented in cooperation with the Russian state.

Date edited: 04/06/2024 09:05.   Views: 226
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