Samarkand regional government w w w . s a m a r k a n d . u z

There are more than 2.5 thousand enterprises operating in the field of construction In Samarkand

There are more than 2.5 thousand enterprises operating in the field of construction In Samarkand

It was reported by the Statistics Agency that the number of enterprises operating in the construction sector is totally  34,749 according to January 1, 2024.

The number of enterprises operating in the construction sector in the region:

Tashkent city - 7,310

Fergana region - 2,969

Tashkent region - 2,900

Bukhara region - 2,688

Kashkadarya region - 2,578

Samarkand region - 2,530

Surkhandarya region - 2,323

Andijan region - 2,111

Karakalpakstan R. - 1,931

Khorezm region - 1,768

Namangan region - 1,666

Jizzakh region - 1,536

Navoi region - 1,390

Syrdarya region - 1,049

Date edited: 10/02/2024 15:08.   Views: 263
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