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Presentation of the information service activity of Samarkand regional government

Presentation of the information service activity of Samarkand regional government

The participants of the joint training seminar of the press secretaries of the ministries and departments of the member countries of the organization of Turkic States on the topic

“Information services - 2024: national and international experience” were held in the city of Samarkand on May 30, hosted by the city of Tashkent. Press secretaries working in state bodies and organizations in Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and our country got to know the information services of the state authorities and management bodies in our country on the example of the information service of the Samarkand regional administration.

The presentation of the Information Service of the Samarkand Regional Government was warmly received by the guests.


Date edited: 04/06/2024 09:04.   Views: 196
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