Samarkand regional government w w w . s a m a r k a n d . u z

Patrol-post service units through districts have been established in Samaraqand

Patrol-post service units through districts have been established in Samaraqand

In order to ensure the implementation of Decree No. order of the prizident-27 of the

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 29, 2021 "On approval of the concept of public security of the Republic of Uzbekistan and measures for its implementation"

Patrol-post service units through districts were established in Kattakurgan city, Narpay, Kattakurgan and Pakhtachi districts of Samarkand region.

In the pre-service instruction held today in Kattakorgan district, in order to enable these units to provide effective service and maintain exemplary public order during their service, ensure the safety of citizens and fight criminals, prevent possible crimes, and early detection of committed crimes, 12 Nexia-3 model service cars were handed over

Date edited: 03/10/2022 09:07.   Views: 321
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