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The rich cultural and tourist heritage of Uzbekistan in the eyes of the Japanese mass media

The rich cultural and tourist heritage of Uzbekistan in the eyes of the Japanese mass media

“Dunyo” AA reporter reports that “Forbes Japan” which is one of Japan's leading print publications specializing in covering economic issues, published articles on Uzbekistan in the issue of April in 2023.

The first article published in this magazine is about the international activities of the famous actor and film director Takeshi Kitano, and his participation in the XIV Tashkent International Film Festival “Silk Road Masterpiece” is covered. The publication noted that the participation of the famous Japanese director in this film festival was met with great interest by the local community and young filmmakers. Takeshi Kitano's film “Sonatina” was screened at the Tashkent film festival. This film was awarded with a special prize of the festival “For special contribution to the development of world cinematography”, the material says.

The article also states that Uzbek-Japanese relations have a long history. In particular, the State Academic Grand Theater of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi, built by Japanese prisoners of war brought to Uzbekistan after the Second World War, has a special place.

Forbes Japan magazine also published the story “Blue Space” from the novel "China Trigger" by Ryuichi Teshima, a well-known Japanese writer and international journalist.

It is noteworthy that the cover of the story ”Blue Space” depicts the Sherdar madrasa in Samarkand, and it consists of the memories of a trip to the old city of Samarkand by a hero named Miss Lawrence. In the story, Samarkand is described as “the most famous masterpiece of oases (oasis) in the world.” Also, the history of the city of Samarkand, ancient monuments such as Registan, Bibikhanim, Afrosiyob, Mirzo Ulugbek observatory, Uzbek national costumes, and the unique beauty of the bazaars are described with high skill.

Let us remind you that “Forbes Japan” magazine was established in 2014 as the editorial office of one of the world's most famous financial and economic magazines, “Forbes” in Japan. The magazine is published once a month in 80,000 copies.

Date edited: 07/04/2023 11:59.   Views: 297
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