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About preparation for Navruz holiday

About preparation for Navruz holiday

National holiday Navruz of this year is going to be celebrated under this slogan (Olam nurga tulsin sen bilan ,Navruz) “May the world be filled with light with you, Navruz!”.

The issues of holding this holiday have been discussed in detail. In the next discussion led by the governor of the region. Celebrating the holiday in the form of public gatherings in all cities and districts, villages, honoring the participants and veterans of the Second World War, representatives of the elderly generation in every sphere, informing about the status of those living in houses called Muruvvat and Sakhavat, those included in the social registers and those in need of assistance, It was discussed about the need to carry out charitable activities related to providing relief. In the framework of the (Yashil makon) ”Green Space” national project, the need to carry out public surveys, comprehensive beautification and greening activities in all regions was emphasized. It was decided to discuss the implementation of assigned tasks on a daily basis.

Date edited: 16/03/2024 09:17.   Views: 257
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