Samarkand regional government w w w . s a m a r k a n d . u z

A visit to the Republic of Kazakhstan has been made so as to establish cooperation with IT enterprises

A visit to the Republic of Kazakhstan has been made so as to establish cooperation with IT enterprises

The representatives of the government of Samarkand region, Samarkand regional branch of the Ministry of Digital Technologies and IT Park visited the cities of Almaty and Astana of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

On the first day of the visit, meetings were held with the leaders of “Rocket Firm Group”, an IT export company operating in Almaty, and “Internet Association of Kazakhstan”, which is an association of more than 20 IT companies, and asked them to expand their activities in Samarkand region and provide IT export services. an offer was made to show them.

During the next days of the visit, there were meetings with representatives of the venture fund supporting startups, “Most holding” operating in co-working, IT education and other areas, “Smartpoint” co-working center, which consists of 80 percent of IT enterprises. was carried out. Also, in the future, the issues of establishing a co-working center and a venture fund in the Samarkand region, introducing mechanisms to support young entrepreneurs were discussed.

 Also, there were meetings with representatives of Cybernet IT, Kulenkov Group, Qasaqsoft, Jusan Mobile and more than 10 other IT enterprises, and informed them about the existing IT ecosystem in the Republic of Uzbekistan, in particular in the Samarkand region, and the work being done in order to support IT enterprises. and information about the privilege was given and presentations were made.

 Furthermore, meetings were organized with "AstanaHub" and a number of IT enterprises operating in it. Including, during the meetings held with companies such as Artix, Funtix, Omnium operating in the direction of Gamedev (production of games), the issues of expanding their activities in the Samarkand region and forming a separate team for the development of this direction in the region were discussed.

Date edited: 26/08/2024 09:16.   Views: 152
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