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Erkinjon Turdimov: "If the chairman of neighborhood works, the citizen will not address to higher organizations"

Erkinjon Turdimov: "If the chairman of neighborhood works, the citizen will not address to higher organizations"

Accpording to the plan which was approved by the decision of the Senate Council of the Oliy Majlis, training seminars are currently being held on organizing the work of the chairmen of the self-governing bodies according to the new system nowodays.

The fourth stage of this training-seminar started in Samarkand. Prior to this seminar, which is being held with the participation of the chairmen of community assemblies in Taylok, Samarkand, Nurabad and Pas Dargom districts, a meeting of the regional governor E. Turdimov with the chairmen was held.

The activity of the governor of the region has been improved, and he emphasized that it is necessary to work on a new basis, as well as the Ministry of Neighborhood and Religious Support and its regional systems, and the need to work on a new basis, all issues in the region should be considered and resolved at the lower level, and initiatives and ideas should also come from the neighborhood.

" The positions of assistant mayor, women's activist, youth leader have been introduced in the neighborhoods, and the directions of activity of the prevention inspector have been clearly defined in this year" said E.Turdimov. - Neighborhood chairmen have been also re-elected and their rights and powers have been expanded. At the same time, obligations and responsibilities have changed. Now, under the leadership of the chairman, the work in the neighborhood should be started on a new basis, the citizens' meeting should consider all the issues of the residents of the neighborhood and take measures to solve them. A chairman who does not know the pains and problems of the citizens in his neighborhood, who does not listen to them, cannot lead them. Today, the chairman of the neighborhood should behave like a warrior.

Just as the main goal of a warrior is victory, an elder must always strive for victory for the benefit of the people of the region. There will be no problems in such a neighborhood, people will be satisfied with the state and reforms. If the chairman of the neighborhood works, the citizen will never turn to higher organizations.

Date edited: 02/08/2022 09:22.   Views: 339
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