Samarkand regional government w w w . s a m a r k a n d . u z

The main director of Abu Dhabi Department of Culture and Tourism has arrived in Samarkand

The main director of Abu Dhabi Department of Culture and Tourism has arrived in Samarkand

Today, the governor of the region Erkinjon Turdimov has  received a delegation led by Salih Muhammad Saleh al-Gazeri, the main director of the Abu Dhabi Department of Culture and Tourism.

The conversation was mainly about further development of cooperation in the field of tourism, increasing air traffic between Abu Dhabi and Samarkand.

The meeting also discussed the tourist potential of Samarkand, the created favorable conditions and the offered benefits.

The head of the delegation noted that there is a huge potential and all the conditions for the development of the tourism sector in our country, and he aims to work in cooperation using this effectively.

In the end, it was agreed to work on establishing cooperation beneficial for both sides.

Date edited: 26/09/2023 14:41.   Views: 142
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