General information about Samarkand region
The state of January 1, 2018
The time of the establishment -in the 6th century BC
Samarkand is an ancient city, region and district. Historians believe that this city is equally similar to cities like Vavilon, Fiva, Athens, Rome and so on. There are different views on the etymology of my part. Nearly all of the researchers consider the second part of the toponym to be Turkic - urban - rural, urban - type.
Mongols under the leadership of Genghis Khan destroyed Samarkand so much that it was impossible to restore it.
Amir Temur selected Samarkand as the capital city of his country in 1370, favored the construction of a new city rather than rebuilding ancient Samarkand - Afrosiyab. The ruins of Afrosiyab were not rebuilt, but a new city was built on the southern part of it. This is why Samarkand is famous for its two historic cities.
Amir Temur constructed tombs such beautiful monuments as the mosque of the mosque, Kuksaroy, Bostonsaroy, Amir Temur, Shakhizinda, and created a beautiful, spacious and beautiful 12 gardens around each other in Samarqand.
As Amir Temur was a true sponsor of science, art and culture, Samarkand developed architecture, poetry, science, monumental painting, ornamental painting, textile arts, painting, embroidery, stone-making, painting, ceramics.
In the XIV-XV centuries Samarkand also served as a creative laboratory for Turon's greatest geniuses. The most rare event in the history of human culture in Samarkand, the Renaissance - the Renaissance process began and developed which was born in Samarkand
"Timurid Renaissance" shone like the sun, spread to the East and the west countries.
The sparkled science, art and culture in Samarkand during the time of Amir Temur and Mirzo Ulughbek had a great impact on the development of science in present-day Iran, India, Khurasan and Turkey.
Ancient and ever young Samarkand became famous as a legendary city in different parts of the planet, with its unique oriental image, rich history, and unique monuments , with the so-called "internal city" along with Rome, it became one of the 50 cities that anyone must see.
At the initiative of our first President, a great deal of work was done in our country. The Samarkand region attracts visitors and tourists from all over the world. The creative work carried out in the Imam Bukhariy complex, and the fact that these sacred sites have become more prosperous, have been gaining a high reputation and respect from thousands of pilgrims, as well as public figures and publics in many Muslim countries.
And most importantly, during the years of independence, historical monuments in Samarkand began their second life, reconstructed the monuments, landscaped it, built many gardens and fountains, expanded corridors, created favorable conditions for tourists.
These noble deeds are being continued systematically under the leadership of our President Shavkat Mirziyoev.
In numbers
Center: Samarkand city.
Established : January 15, 1938.
Area: 16.8 thousand km2. Total crop area - 432 thousand hectares, of which irrigated lands - 249 thousand hectares, unirrigated land areas - 183 thousand hectares.
Gardens: - 29 thousand, vineyard: - 30 thousand, land plot: 86 thousand hectares.
Border: Jizzakh - 180 km, Navoi - 285 km, Kashkadarya - 200 km and the Republic of Tajikistan - 53.2 km.
Population: 3685.7 thousand people. Working capacity: 2070.3 thousand people. Composition of nations: Uzbeks 88 percent, Russians 1.3 percent, Tajiks 7.4 percent, Kazakhs 0.1 percent, others 3.2 percent.
Number of higher educational institutions: 7 units
The number of professional colleges and academic staff: 175
Total number of secondary education institutions: 1200
Preschool educational institutions number: 555
Number of industrial enterprises: 3943 units. Large industrial enterprises - 34,
The number of enterprises with foreign capital is 291 (China - 37, Turkey - 34, Russia - 28, Great Britain - 14, United Arab Emirates - 12, South Korea - 11, Iran - 8) USA and Germany-6). They will receive $ 95 million. exports of goods and services were done by them in 2017
By the end of 2017
Gross regional product: 18.3 trillion soums.
GRP per capita: 4 million 970 thousand soums. GRP Structure: Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 32.2%; industry (with added construction) 24.5%; services - 45.1%.
Production volumes of industrial output: 9,2 trillion soums.
Consumer Goods: 5, 6 trillion soums.
Regional Production: 4.3 trillion. soums
Agricultural production: 9.1 trillion soums.
Construction: 2.3 trillion. soums
Retail turnover: 9 trillion soums.
Total services: 8.2 trillion soums.
Number of Small Business: 17,220
Share in the sectors of the economy:
Gross regional product: 70.5%;
In industrial production: 55%;
In the production of agricultural products: 98.8%;
Retail turnover: 93%;
Total services: 76.5%;
Share of the employed in the small business: 84.2%.
Samarkand is one of Uzbekistan's largest tourist destinations. Geographically, it is a leader in its rich natural and cultural resources.
There are 1105 archeological, 670 architectural, 37 attraction, 18 monumental, 21 memorial - 1851 objects of cultural and historical heritage in the region.
Historical part of Samarkand city was included in UNESCO World Heritage List in 2001 as "Samarkand - crossroad of civilizations".
There are 85 tourist companies and 107 hotels with the right to engage in tourist services in the region. At the same time, they can serve up to 4,500 tourists.
Special attention in the region is paid to the development of historical, cultural, ecological and agro, gastronomic, extreme and other tourism destinations. Especially, it has a huge potential in tourism.
There are many Islamic religious and religious teachings that Muslims have to visit, as well as mausoleums of saints and other great saints in Samarkand. In particular, Imam Bukhari, the author of the second holy book after the Koran, is one of the most prominent of the story, Imam Motroudi, the founder of the motto, Hoja Ahrori Vali, the cousin of the Prophet Kussam Ibn Abbas (in Shakhizinda Majesty) and others.
These places are the most visited places for tourists. For example, Imam Bukhari and Shohizinda have been visited by 1 mln 200 thousand tourists this year
Noruda natural resources
Cement: 288 mln. tons,
Marmaris: 167.9 million cubic meters
Granite: 68 million cubic meters
Lime: 69.8 million tons
Gypsum and chalk: 14.1 million tons
Ceramic bricks: 36.1 mln cubic meters
Sand and gravel: 167.9 million cubic meters of raw material.
The production and use of agricultural products in 2018
Cotton: 205 thousand tons
Grain: 337 thousand tons
Pilla: 2790 tonnes.
Fruit and vegetables are grown by 3809 thousand tons (vegetables - 1 thousand 888 thousand tons, vegetables - 140 thousand tons, grapes - 636 thousand tons, fruit 446 thousand tons, potatoes - 697 thousand tons).
Of this, 479 thousand tons of fruits and vegetables are processed by industry, 183 thousand tons are exported.
For information:
Number of refineries: 54 units, capacity of 508 thousand tons.
The number of museums: 123, capacity of 102 thousand tons.
The number of modern greenhouses: 67, the area of 84 hectares.
Intensive gardens: 130, 12,000 hectares.
In 2017, 194 mln dollars products were exported.
Volume of export of industrial products: 64 mln. dollars.
Agricultural production volume: 130 mln. dollars.
Export geography: there are 259 export-oriented enterprises and are being exported to more than 40 countries. The export geography was expanded to 7 countries in 2017. (South Africa, Japan, USA, Spain, Austria, Israel, Sri Lanka).
Profit tax for legal entities;
Property Tax;
Taxation and Social Infrastructure Development Tax;
Single tax payment;
The Republican Road Fund is exempt from mandatory contributions.
These tax incentives are provided when direct foreign investments are equal to:
From $ 300 to $ 3 million and $ 3 million - for a period of three years;
From $ 3 million to $ 10 million and $ 10 million - for a five-year period;
More than $ 10 million - for 7 years.
The Urgut Free Economic Zone was established in the region and allocated 816 hectares of land.
Members of this Free Economic Zone are:
land tax, income tax, property tax for legal entities, tax on development and social infrastructure, single tax for micro firms and small enterprises, as well as non-budgetary funds of the Republican Road Fund and the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan for education and healthcare institutions under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan compulsory allocation to the Fund for the Development of Material and Technical Base;
customs payments (except for customs clearance fees) of imported construction materials on the lists approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, not produced in the country and implemented in the projects;
(except for customs clearance fees) exempted from customs payments for imported equipment, raw materials, materials and component parts for own production needs.
These benefits range from 3 to 10 years, depending on the volume of investments involved, including:
Investments of $ 300,000 to $ 3 million - for 3 years;
Investments of $ 3 million to $ 5 million - for a period of 5 years;
Investments of $ 5 million to $ 10 million - for 7 years;
Investments of US $ 10 million or more will be issued for a period of 10 years using the income tax and single tax rates of 50 percent less than current rates in the last 5 years.
By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of January 9, 2018 participants of small industrial zones have the following privileges:
From the date of adoption of the decision on placement of the business entity in the territory of the FSZ, the organizations participating in small industrial zones (hereinafter, the KSZ), including newly established enterprises, are obliged to pay legal entities tax and income tax, as well as single tax payment (taxation) simplified system) for two years;
the validity of these benefits will be prolonged by two additional years if at least 30% of the total volume of the product is sold for export.
Attracting Foreign Investments
Large joint ventures such as Samarkand Automobile Plant (Japan), JV MAN Auto (Germany), Urg Gaz Carpet (Turkey), Daka Tex (Russia) and SamAntelGilam (Turkey) are operating in the region.
In Samarkand region for 2018-2019 the sum of 408 mln. US $ 366 million of foreign direct investment was attracted. According to the program, in 2018 in terms of 50 projects costs 295.7 mln. The direct foreign investments will be attracted. Of these, preliminary agreements with foreign partners on 25 projects (worth $ 188.4 million) were achieved. Negotiations on identification of foreign partners on 25 projects ($ 107.3 million) are underway.
These projects are for Chine -9, Turkey-3, twos of projects for each USA, Czech Republic, Russia and Kazakhstan, 1 of projects for each Germany, Azerbaijan, South Korea, Iran countries
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