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Alimova Gavkhar Zayirovna

Alimova Gavkhar Zayirovna

Alimova Gavkhar Zayirovna

Deputy Governor of Samarkand region, Chairwoman of Women's Committee

1989-1991 years. – head supervisor of the school №16 in Jomboy district of Samarkand region

1991-1992 years. - Teacher of school number 1 in Chelak district of Samarkand region

1992-1995 years. - Teacher of school №152 in Khamza district of Tashkent city

1995-1997 years. - The head of the personnel department of "Mulkdor" newspaper

1997-1998 years. - Teacher of music school number 10 in Hamza district of Tashkent city

1998-1999 years. - correspondent of the newspaper "Adolat"

1999-2003 years. - Chief Specialist of the Family, Maternity and Childhood Complex, in Khamza District of  Tashkent region.

2003-2004 years. - Deputy governor of Khamza district of Tashkent city - Temporary executive officer of the Women's Committee

2004-2006 years. - Deputy Chairwoman of Mahalla Fund in Khamza district of Tashkent

2006-2009years. - Chief Specialist for Family and Women Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Mahalla Charity Fund

2009-2011 years. - Specialist of the Complex on social protection of family, motherhood and childhood of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan

2011-2015 years. - Deputy Chairwoman of the Republican Board of Charity Public Fund "Mahalla"

2015-2018 years.- Deputy Chairwoman of the Committee on Science, Education and Health of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan

From 2018 to present deputy governor of Samarkand region, chairwoman of women's committee

Киритилган вақти: 01/05/2019 20:02.   Кўрилганлиги: 1706
Материал манзили: https://samarkand.uz/uz/alimova-gavkhar-zayirovna



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