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What startup projects have the youth presented to the regional governor?

What startup projects have the youth presented to the regional governor?

The “Startup Projects Contest” was announced in cooperation with the Youth Affairs Agency so as to support the innovative ideas and startup projects of Samarkand youth, at the initiative of the regional governor,

Erkinjon Turdimov, regional governorship, regional higher education, science and innovation.

The presentation of innovative ideas and startup projects of more than 70 young people who expressed their desire to participate in the competition were reviewed with the participation of the governor of the region, heads of official departments and organizations, and entrepreneurs, and promising projects that passed the selection stage were directed to financing in the youth center of the city of Samarkand. In particular, Farrukh Abdurasulov, the head of the scientific laboratory of molecular biotechnology and modern botanical research of the Institute of Biochemistry of Samarkand State University, “Creation of plantation of medicinal plants and production of phytopreparations and biologically active food additives” which is in demand and has a new effect. asked for 100 million soums for the project and land area for growing medicinal plants.

The main goal of the project is the production of harmless quality phytopreparations and bioactive supplements that replace artificial synthetic drugs, as well as the establishment of permanent phytobars in university canteens. The governor of the region approved the proposal of the young scientist. A task was given to those responsible for allocating land for the cultivation of medicinal plants in Jomboy district, and the head of Samarkand State Medical University Jasur Rizayev provided financial support.

Shahzod Rahmonov from Payarik district said that he wanted to launch the “Smart glasses” project for the blind and needs 40 million soums. This project provides voice information about objects in the environment using headphones through artificial intelligence. This project will also receive practical assistance.

 Abdujalil Bobomalikov, a student of the faculty of intellectual systems and computer technologies of Samarkand State University said that Guide robot can be used by banks and large enterprises and he developed the “Guide robot” project, which provides information about ancient monuments and monuments, - But this project is very convenient for foreign tourists coming to our country. 30 million soums were needed to make the robot. The governor of the region informed that the head of the Registan complex, Khankul Samarov, will help launch the project.

Erkinjon Turdimov got acquainted with the presentation of each young person, supported promising projects, and appointed people responsible for their implementation.

Date edited: 04/06/2024 09:13.   Views: 247
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