Samarkand regional government w w w . s a m a r k a n d . u z

Meeting with Chinese entrepreneurs

Meeting with Chinese entrepreneurs

The head of the Samarkand region, Adiz Boboev, has held meetings with a number of Chinese entrepreneurs in Tianjin city of the People's Republic of China, with the aim of establishing production and cooperating in trade.


- In order to establish a logistics industrial park with the company “Beijing Yanling Jiaye Intelligent Technology Co. LTD” in the region;

- to develop the education sector and build housing with the corporation “Dawan” ;

- to organize the extraction of tungsten and tin ores with the enterprise “China Railway 20th Bureau Group Corporation Limited” ;

- to organize small hydroelectric power stations with the company “WUYE Holding” ;

- to produce granite products with the company “Fujian Changhong building materials Co. LTD”;

- to produce equipment for wind farms with the company “Tianjin Baili Machinery and Equipment Group Co. LTD” to produce equipment for wind farms;

- negotiations were held on the production of electronics products with the company “Shenke Technology Group Co. LTD.”

Date edited: 18/01/2025 09:12.   Views: 57
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