Samarkand regional government w w w . s a m a r k a n d . u z

Issues of reforming the healthcare system in our region have been analyzed

Issues of reforming the healthcare system in our region have been analyzed

Adiz Boboev, an acting governor of the region, held a meeting with Turkish healthcare officials on reforming the healthcare system in our region.

At the meeting, issues of exchanging experience in reforming the healthcare system were discussed. The Turkish side provided information on effective mechanisms for further improving the quality of medical services, improving primary healthcare, and improving the health insurance system in the healthcare sector. The head of the region supported the initiative to study the Turkish experience and apply it in medical associations. Adiz Boboev says “this approach allows optimizing system management and increasing medical efficiency”. At the end of the negotiations, the parties reached an agreement on implementing joint initiatives in the healthcare sector and developing systematic cooperation in this area.

Date edited: 27/02/2025 10:40.   Views: 4
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