Samarkand regional government w w w . s a m a r k a n d . u z

Meeting with the Secretary of the Party Committee of Tianjin city

Meeting with the Secretary of the Party Committee of Tianjin city

Currently, Adiz Boboev is holding a meeting with Chen Miner who is the Secretary of the Party Committee of Tianjin city in China,

At the meeting, the head of the region, together with entrepreneurs from Tianjin, proposed to build a modern Samarkand-Tianjin industrial park, jointly establish training centers for the production of electric vehicles and their spare parts, as well as online sales, and the use of artificial intelligence. He also invited official representatives and entrepreneursto Samarkand from Tianjin . In turn, the Secretary of the Party Committee Chen Miner expressed his readiness to implement all the proposals made and provide practical assistance. The visit of our regional delegation to China continues.

Date edited: 18/01/2025 15:17.   Views: 53
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