Samarkand regional government w w w . s a m a r k a n d . u z

The position of providing industrial zones with external engineering and communication networks has been analyzed

The position of providing industrial zones with external engineering and communication networks has been analyzed

The provisioning parameters of free economic zones, small industrial zones, youth industrial and entrepreneurial zones,

and large production projects with external engineering and communication networks have been  confirmed according to the decisions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan № 271 on June 6, 2022 and № 465 on December 30, 2022. The work carried out within the approved parameters was analyzed in a critical spirit in the regional administration. Erkinjon Turdimov was interested in the reasons why construction works had not been completed on 1 road commissioned by “Yagona buyurtmachi khizmati” The State Unitary Enterprise and 9 electrical network objects commissioned by “Hududiy elektr tarmoglari” JSC as well as he heard the report of the officials .Also, during the discussion, it was criticized that some of the performed works were done poorly.

In particular, subsidence was observed as a result of poor quality compaction works during the reburial of the sewerage network trench carried out in the “Khishrav-2”area of the “Urgut” free economic zone on the basis of the order of the company called “Suvinengineering ”. Casings were not treated with special anti-corrosion liquid, it was reported that only 1 layer was completed in 5 observation wells, completed  work was excluded from the project.

In addition, the fact that 167 lots, which should be located on 31.8 hectares of land in small industrial zones provided with external engineering and communication networks, were not completed for auction, also caused the objection of the head of the region.

Finally, it was decided that the tasks would be assigned to those in charge with a specific deadline, and the result would be discussed repeatedly after 10 days.

Date edited: 06/03/2024 17:43.   Views: 225
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