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The most active journalists of Samarkand in 2020 have been identified

The most active journalists of Samarkand in 2020 have been identified

 A meeting of the board of the regional branch of the Creative Union of Journalists of Uzbekistan was held.

 The meeting reviewed the results of the regional contest "The most active journalist of the year", which is traditionally held in collaboration with the regional administration and the regional branch of the Creative Union of Journalists of Uzbekistan on June 27 - the Day of Press and Mass Media Workers.

According to this, the winners of the competition were:

    In the direction of printed publications

 Khurshida Ernazarova - correspondent of the regional newspaper "Zarafshon" (for active coverage of news in the social sphere, the activities of educational institutions in the region);

 Yulduz Haydarova - correspondent of the regional newspaper "Samarkand Herald" (for active coverage of economic reforms, entrepreneurship);

 Bakhtiyor Jumaev - Deputy Editor of the regional newspaper "Voice of Samarkand" (for active coverage of socio-economic reforms in the regions);

 Husniddin Kholdorov - Correspondent of the newspaper "Payark Hayoti" of Payarik district (for his coverage of socio-economic, cultural, educational, agricultural reforms in the region);

 Dilnoza Hasanova - Correspondent of the newspaper "Istikbol sari" of Koshrabot district (for active coverage of changes in education, culture, enlightenment in the district).

    Internet journalism

 Karimberdi Turamurodov is an independent journalist (for his active coverage of the tourism potential of Samarkand, socio-political, cultural and educational life).

 In the direction of TV

 Nozigul Rustamova is a correspondent for the TV group of the regional television and radio company (for author's programs on socio-economic, women's issues, such as "Iffatli ayol", "Mahalla raisi - islohatchi", "Makhsus reportaj", "Jarayon").

 In the direction of radio

 Rahima Davirova is a special correspondent of the regional TV and radio company (“Oila shifokori”, “Radio kirob”, “Mutolaa zavki”, “Islohatlar amalda”, “Yoshlar kelajagimiz”, “Yil dasturi amaldda”, aimed at increasing the political and legal activity of women and youth in society).  - in practice ”for author's radio broadcasts).

 In the field of photojournalism

 Bakhtiyor Mustanov is a photojournalist for the regional newspapers Zarafshon and Samarkandskiy Vestnik (for photos of construction, creativity, agriculture, social news, and tourism potential of Samarkand).

Date edited: 02/07/2021 10:05.   Views: 510
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