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The bicycle track in Samarkand is going to be built by a foreign company

The bicycle track in Samarkand is going to be built by a foreign company

In accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated on September 24, 2021, an indoor cycling track sports facility will be built in

Samarkand for holding national and international track competitions.

The resolution states that the facility should be built in accordance with international standards.

In order to ensure the implementation of the decision, the governor of the region Erkinjon Turdimov met with the authoritative German "Velo Track GmbH & Co. KG ” has talked with representatives of the construction company.

“Velo Track GmbH & Co. KG is a company with many years of experience in the world in the design and construction of a wooden layer of cladding for indoor cycling. They have designed and built in England, Indonesia, South Korea, Turkey and other countries. The company is going to build similar cycle tracks in a number of regions of Uzbekistan .

During the meeting, E. Turdimov said that based on the proposals, the company's representatives will study a number of areas of Samarkand region, and one of these areas will be selected, where it is possible to build a cycle track. In the process, the company is preparing a project proposal.

It was noted at the meeting that the construction of this sports complex will help our athletes to prepare for the upcoming Asian and Olympic Games, host major international competitions and develop tourism.

Date edited: 04/03/2022 09:36.   Views: 417
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