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16 joint ventures are working with Tajik partners in Samarkand region

16 joint ventures are working with Tajik partners in Samarkand region

13 joint ventures and 3 foreign companies with the participation of the capital of the Republic of Tajikistan are operating in our region at the moment.

Particularly, the joint venture “Urgut profnastil LLC” is engaged in the production of building materials, the joint venture “Diamond petrol” and “Euro casings” sales service, the joint-stock company “Sochak export enterprises” in the production of food products.

Limited Liability Company "Sampay" is operating in the field of services, the joint venture "Al tahfiz" in the production of furniture.

The trade turnover of our region with Tajikistan has amounted to 23.6 thousand US dollars in May-June months of this year. $ 22.5 million productions from the total have been exported and $ 1.1 million productions have been imported. Exports are mainly animal feed, fabrics, metal products and other products.

Date edited: 06/06/2022 10:17.   Views: 399
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