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The second cycle marathon among preschool children was held in Samarkand.

The second cycle marathon among preschool children was held in Samarkand.

The event, organized jointly with the Cycling Federation and the regional administration, The Ministry of Preschool Education represented by the OSCE

Office in Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Sports Development, has been attended by total 120 children 6-year-olds from preschools in Samarkand.

Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, chairman of the Cycling Federation of Uzbekistan T.Norbaeva, Coordinator of Projects of the Organization for Security and cooperation in Europe in Uzbekistan, etc. Hans-Ulrich Im noted that this event, which was held for the first time last year in Tashkent, this year in Samarkand, will encourage our children to play sports from an early age, to help them decide on a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, it was noted that next year this marathon will be held in all regions of the country.

According to officials of the Ministry of Preschool Education, in 2021 a project was launched to introduce environmental education in the preschool education system and the method of begovel driving for children. For this purpose, 13 basic state preschool education organizations were provided with 400 begovel. This year, the project provided 500 begovels to 20 public preschools. In particular, a number of preschool organizations in Samarkand have joined the project. The main advantage of Begovels is that young children learn to balance without difficulty, which makes it easier for them to switch to a normal bike in the future.

The children who took part in the cycle marathon were awarded with commemorative medals, gifts, as well as an entertainment program was organized for them.

As part of the event, the regional administration donated 2 Damas cars and 40 modern bicycles to the regional cycling federation.

Date edited: 03/06/2022 14:19.   Views: 341
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