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Hashar in Samarkand

Hashar in Samarkand

According to the relevant decree of the Cabinet of Ministers, “Prosperous and charming neighborhood is the beauty of a country!”  under the slogan, a nationwide charity event is being held in our region today.

More than 900,000 compatriots, including about 550,000 young people, are expected to participate in the organized public charity event in Samarkand region.

More than 1,200 hectares of land is going to be improved during Hashar, more than 950 tons of household and construction waste are going to be removed, about 1,000 cemeteries, about 40 shrines  is going to be improved, about 60,000 ornamental bushes and about 30,000 fruit tree seedlings are going to be planted, as well as 130 kilometers nearby ditches and ditches are going to be cleaned, and about 300,000 more flower seedlings are going to be planted during the festival.

Special attention will be paid to the material and moral support of low-income families in this charity event. In particular, the apartments of about 700 compatriots in the region will be repaired within the framework of the project. In addition, financial aid was allocated to more than 450 needy, about 240 disabled and lonely elderly people.

Date edited: 25/03/2023 12:31.   Views: 226
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