Samarkand regional government w w w . s a m a r k a n d . u z

TOP 10 districts and cities in the exports of Samarkand region

TOP 10 districts and cities in the exports of Samarkand region

Districts and cities  with a high share in the exports of Samarkand region during the year 2024

Samarkand city - 265.1 million. USD.

Samarkand district - 130.1 million. USD.

Jamboy district - 80.2 million. USD.

Kattakurgan city - 64.9 million. USD.

Urgut district - 59.1 million. USD.

Aqdaryo district - 26.3 million. USD.

Ishtikhon district - 20.4 million. USD.

Pastdargom district - 16.8 million. USD.

Taylok district - 16.6 million. USD.

Bulungur district - 12.2 million.

Date edited: 16/01/2025 09:04.   Views: 62
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