Samarkand regional government w w w . s a m a r k a n d . u z

30 "Ford" reanimobiles were handed over to the Samarkand ambulance system

30 "Ford" reanimobiles were handed over to the Samarkand ambulance system

The regional ambulance system had 2 reanimobiles in 2016. In the last 4 years, due to the attention of the state to the sector, the number of reanimobiles in the region has reached 32.

 30 more modern "Ford" reanimobiles have been handed over to the emergency medical stations operating in our region today, and the number of these vehicles have reached 62. As a result, the service radius of ambulance brigades has been reduced from 15-20 kilometers to 8-12 kilometers.

Date edited: 30/09/2022 09:14.   Views: 294
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