Samarkand regional government w w w . s a m a r k a n d . u z

Some matters in the field of agriculture have been discussed

Some matters in the field of agriculture have been discussed

Issues that need implementing in the field of agriculture were discussed by the governor of the region.

It was reported that 248,000 saplings such as mulberry, willow, vine and poplar are planned to be planted in the coastal region of almost 800 kilometers of irrigation networks this year. Also, according to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Number PD-15 dated on January 18, in  2024. 1,332 agricultural land plots will be put up for electronic online auctions, and 7,000 land plots will be allocated to young people. A total of 20,000 lands will be put into use (utilized) including 4,972 poorly irrigated arable lands, 12,576 dry lands, 372 irrigated gray lands, 1,704 pasture lands and 375 other types of lands  by September .During the discussion, the work carried out in each direction was analyzed. The activities of the officials of Taylok  and Okdarya districts were assessed as unsatisfactory, and disciplinary measures were imposed against them.

Finally, it was announced that the system of daily reporting on the work being carried out will be introduced, and the achievements and shortcomings will be discussed in a narrow circle.

Date edited: 02/03/2024 09:13.   Views: 235
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