Samarkand regional government w w w . s a m a r k a n d . u z

The position and work of construction in Payarik district has been studied

The position and work of construction in Payarik district has been studied

Adiz Boboev, who is an acting governor of the region, has got acquainted with the construction work being carried out in the neighborhoods located on the territory of the Imam Bukhari memorial complex.

In accordance with the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers “On additional measures for the comprehensive socio-economic development of the Khoja Ismail settlement of Payarik district” dated on September 20, 2024, practical work is being carried out to further improve the architectural appearance of this settlement and its engineering and communication infrastructure, develop its roadside infrastructure, as well as construct, reconstruct, repair and improve social facilities. The head of the region got acquainted with the progress of the construction and construction work that had begun in the region during a meeting with the heads of regional and district organizations.

The sites selected for new construction sites were also inspected during the ongoing familiarization process across the regions. During the process, the regional governor gave the officials the necessary instructions to ensure the speedy and high-quality completion of the work and to avoid shortcomings.

Date edited: 05/02/2025 18:53.   Views: 39
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