Samarkand regional government w w w . s a m a r k a n d . u z

4,085 business entities are registered that 204 of them are not operating in Payarik district, today.

4,085 business entities are registered that 204 of them are not operating in Payarik district, today.

Production volume of 355 enterprises decreased. 1465 business entities showed "0" volume in their reports, 377 business entities have bank turnover and gave "0" volume.

What caused this? What kind of practical assistance do state organizations provide to entrepreneurs of Payarik to further develop their activities?

These and other issues are currently being discussed at the meeting being held in Payarik district administration under the leadership of regional governor E.Turdimov.

Date edited: 08/02/2023 16:09.   Views: 236
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