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The President of Uzbekistan highly appreciated the level of multilateral cooperation with the World Tourism Organization

The President of Uzbekistan highly appreciated the level of multilateral cooperation with the World Tourism Organization

Shavkat Mirziyoev, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan met Zurab Pololikashvili, the main secretary of this leading structure in the UN system,

in the city of Samarkand within the framework of holding the 25th session of the general Assembly of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) on October 16. Issues of further expansion of multifaceted cooperation with the UN specialized institute on increasing the tourism potential of Uzbekistan were discussed.

It was noted with great satisfaction that an unprecedented high level was achieved in cooperation with UNWTO, which has become a strategic partner of Uzbekistan in the reform of the tourism network.

Joint efforts to spread the “Silk Road Tourism” brand, including development of tourism infrastructure, popularization of tourism destinations in our country, implementation of programs and projects aimed at training qualified personnel, were highly appreciated.

The jubilee session of the UNWTO General Assembly was held in our country, and the opening of the International Tourism Academy and thematic office “Silk Road” in Samarkand were important practical results of cooperation.

The Secretary General of UNWTO expressed his sincere gratitude to the President of Uzbekistan for the support given to the preparation and organization of this year's main international event in the field of tourism.

It was noted that the participation of high-level delegations from more than 140 countries of the world at the forum is a sign of growing interest in Uzbekistan as one of the global and regional tourism centers.

Within the General Assembly, investment and educational forums will be held with the participation of leading tourism companies, higher education institutions and organizations. At the end of them, specific contracts and agreements are expected to be signed on the implementation of joint programs and projects in these directions.

At the end of the meeting, it was agreed to adopt a joint “roadmap|”for the implementation of the main results of the anniversary session.

Date edited: 24/10/2023 09:19.   Views: 132
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