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Uzbekistan-Malaysia Business Forum

Uzbekistan-Malaysia Business Forum

The Prime Minister of Malaysia Anvar Ibrahim has taken part in a business forum with the participation of Uzbekistan-Malaysia entrepreneurs as part of his official visit to our country.

Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan J. Khodjayev noted that trade and economic relations with Malaysia are strengthening in recent years, and this visit will serve to further expand cooperation. He also noted that a favorable investment environment has been created in our country, legislation is being improved, and an active policy is being pursued to liberalize the economy. At the beginning of his speech, the Prime Minister of Malaysia emphasized that he came to Uzbekistan not as a diplomatic delegation, but as a friend.

We came to the conclusion from the words of the President of Uzbekistan and the heads of the government about economic reforms in the country,  that it is possible to work in cooperation with Uzbekistan, - said Anvar Ibrahim. - In particular, we believe that our cooperation in the areas of energy, digital technologies, and tourism will be promising. I saw that the President of Uzbekistan and the leaders of the government have an active desire to develop the country, and I welcome it. At the forum, businessmen and economic leaders of the two countries received answers to their questions.

Documents on trade and economic cooperation were signed at the event.

Date edited: 24/05/2024 10:45.   Views: 263
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