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The elderly of Nurabad competed

The elderly of Nurabad competed

In accordance with the regulation developed by the Ministry of supporting neighborhood and the elderly, the district stage of the 

“Bir nuroniy –un yoshga masul”(An old intellectual- responsible for ten years) competition has been held in the “Madaniyat” house of Nurabad district.

The luminaries from 12 neighborhoods participated in the event and promoted their work on directly solving the problems of unorganized and unemployed youth in the neighborhoods where they live.

Salijon Khudoyorov, an activist of the neighborhood “Arabota”, won the first place in the competition with three conditions. The 2nd place went to Parda Esanov, a resident of "Khalgabad" neighborhood, and Islam Bekmurodov took the 3rd place, a resident of "Amir Temur" neighborhood,.

Date edited: 15/08/2022 15:40.   Views: 296
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