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Regional stage of competitions and contests on promising IT projects, Programming, Robotics and Cybersport

Regional stage of competitions and contests on promising IT projects, Programming, Robotics and Cybersport

According to the Year of Youth Support and Public Health promotion, among the youth of the region competitions were organized in the areas of "Prospective IT projects", "Programming", "Robotics" and "Cybersport".

The city and district stages of the competitions, which began on September 26 in Jambay and Bulungur districts, were held one by one in the rest of the region.  On October 7, the regional stage started, which lasted for 2 days and the winners were determined.  The awarding ceremony of the winners was held at the regional branch of IT Park in Samarkand.

 It was attended by Deputy Governor H. Ochilov, Head of the Regional Department of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications D. Khojamberdiev, Head of the Regional Department of the Agency for Youth Affairs H. Tukhtaev and heads and employees of regional communications and IT enterprises and organizations.

 During the event, the winners were awarded valuable prizes, including

 In the direction of "Prospective IT projects":

 1st place winner Salimova Mahbub Laptop (i7 model), 2nd place Shukurov Muhammad Laptop (i5 model), 3rd place Nurillaev Khushvakht Laptop (AMD Ryzer model), 4th place Jiyanbaev Jasur TV (50 inches), 5th place  Rakhmanova Khurshid TV (43 inches).

 In the "Programming" direction:

 1st place Narzullaev Mansur Laptop (i7 model), 2nd place Abdullaev Akbar Laptop (i5 model), 3rd place Narzullaev Saidmurodga Laptop (i5 model), 4th place Bakhriddinov Maqsud Tablet, 5th place Abdullaev Ahror.

In the field of "Robotics":

 1st place - Farrukh Khalikulov Laptop (i3), 2nd place Suyunkulov Muhriddin Tablet, 3rd place Shukurov Bekmurod e-book.

 In the direction of "Cybersport":

 Shonazarov Diyorbek, who took the 1st place, was awarded with a TV (43 inches), Mirodilov Zarrukh with a Tablet, Khalilov Ozodjon with an e-book.

 More than 2,000 young people from all over the region took part in the competitions and contests, and about 5,000 young men and women were involved.

 The competitions were organized by young people to demonstrate and develop their skills in programming, robotics and cybersport, to support young people who have developed projects in the field of IT, to create ample opportunities for the realization of their talents.

 During the event, there was an exhibition of projects and a presentation of IT projects developed by young people.

 We would also like to thank the 12 orphans of the House of Mercy No. 1 who took an active part in the exhibition and are interested in the field of IT and are participating in training courses in this area.

Date edited: 18/10/2021 12:25.   Views: 486
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