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The head of the military administrative sector has visited the military units in the district

The head of the military administrative sector has visited the military units in the district

Erkijon Turdimov, governor of Samarkand region, head of the military administrative sector visited the military units and institutions of the 

Samarkand garrison of the central military district in order to study the living conditions of military personnel and find positive solutions to problematic issues.

During the training, accompanied by the commander of the district troops, colonel Farrukh Ziyabayev, the issues of increasing the combat readiness of military personnel, further improving the conditions for their service activities, and social support for family members have been studied.

Also, issues of creating favorable conditions for regularly conducting combat training in new methods and styles were studied at the “Sasagan” field-training ground.

In addition, issues of creating favorable opportunities and conditions for junior specialists to have all-round potential and high knowledge were discussed at the armed forces training center for junior specialists located in the Samarkand garrison.

Date edited: 21/09/2023 12:28.   Views: 139
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