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Erkinjon Turdimov has taken part in the "Last Bell" of school

Erkinjon Turdimov has taken part in the "Last Bell" of school

The "Last Bell" events in all secondary schools of the country have been held today.

It rewarded and encouraged talented graduates who studied with excellent grades during the year and achieved the highest rating.

In addition, in order to hold events at a high level in all educational institutions, to wish the graduates a safe journey, meetings were organized in each school with the participation of regional leaders, deputies, officials of enterprises and organizations.

The governor of the region Erkinjon Turdimov took part in the "Last Bell" held at the secondary school № 81 in the Karasuv massif of Samarkand.

The event began with the National Anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

After that, the governor read out the President's congratulatory message to the school graduates. He congratulated the young pupils graduating from the school and wished them success in their future studies and work.

- We are proud to be the first graduates of the new school in the new massif of New Uzbekistan, - says a graduate of the school Mukhlisa Rustamova. - Of course, my peers, the first 21 graduates of our school will justify the confidence expressed, enter higher education and become a generation that will make a worthy contribution to the development of our country.

At the event, school graduates were presented with books by deputies of the city council.

Let us remind you that this year 45,200 students are graduating from schools in our region. About 300 of them entered foreign higher education institutions ahead of schedule.

Date edited: 26/05/2022 18:28.   Views: 451
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