Samarkand regional government w w w . s a m a r k a n d . u z

Erkinjon Turdimov has visited a number of neighborhoods in Bulungur district

Erkinjon Turdimov has visited a number of neighborhoods in Bulungur district

The head of the region visited a number of neighborhoods in Bulungur and got acquainted with the state of affairs related to the effective use of the residents' estates, digging ditches, and beautification of the areas.

In conversations with citizens of Amir Temur, Istiklal, Mingchinor, Gulzor, Beshkuvi, Kichik Kildon, Sarqipchak, Avliyo Parpi, Khojamazgil, Niyozmat, Changal-1, Bulungur arik and Fazil Yoldosh neighborhoods, their suggestions and initiatives were listened to. recommendations and instructions for use were given.

Date edited: 27/03/2024 15:26.   Views: 232
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