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Is violation of the law happening in serving public services?

Is violation of the law happening in serving public services?

In the regional administration, protection of the quality serving of  state services to physical individuals and legal entities as well as the protection of legal documents allowed in the provision of services.

It is noted that 14,800 public services have been provided on law project in 2023. So far, 9,988 public services have been provided, in 1,642 cases appeals have been unfounded, 849 documents have been requested, and 425 public services have been provided directly.Organizations and  the reasons for the adoption of legislation were analyzed in the cross-section of sectors in the discussion with the participation of the leaders of regions.

In particular, 3,986 issued by “Samarkand Water Supply” LLC and its district (city) branches, 2,895 by the Department of the State Castrate Chamber and district (city) branches, 17,772 by construction and architecture departments, are under health control. 1338 branches of “Public Electric Networks” enterprise, Samarkand branch and its district-city departments (1131) were asked the reasons and account of the legislation allowing the provision of state services. 33 reports and letters were sent to the heads of the competent agencies, 6 security, 5 guilty persons were punished, and 56 persons were subject to disciplinary measures.

At the end of the discussion, the leaders and those responsible for the provision of public services were given a full official service. The regional prosecutor's office made a legal assessment of each case.

Date edited: 08/02/2024 09:53.   Views: 275
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