Regulation of activities of farmers' markets and shopping complexes, receipts to the budget, beautification and sanitation.
These issues were discussed in the regional administration with the participation of the regional head and officials. According to the plan, 59 farmers' markets and trade complexes were supposed to bring 6 billion 700 million soums of income to the state budget in January of this year. In practice, 200 million soums less income was recorded. In particular, the Pakhtachi market fulfilled the plan by 86%, the “Suzangaron” shopping complex in Payarik district by 83%, the Uchkara farmer's market in Pastdargom by 66%, and the Siyob trade complex in Samarkand city by 9.1%. In the discussion, special attention was paid to the issues of compliance with sanitary rules and ensuring fire safety. According to the results of the inspection carried out by the working group of the regional government, violations of the law were found in a number of objects. In these markets, there is a lack of veterinary laboratory equipment, reagents, and unsanitary conditions in toilets. These negative situations were recorded in the markets of “Dehkanabad” in Urgut district, “Moybulok”, “Mastura”, “Ashurbobo”, “Tasmachi” in Kattakurgan district, “Aktepasoy” in Kushrabot district and “Nurabad” in Nurabad district.
It was found that fire safety regulations are not being followed in the markets of Samarkand and Kattakurgan cities, Bulungur, Jambay, Ishtikhan, Kattakurgan, Pastdargom, Pakhtachi, Payarik, Urgut and Taylok districts. The governor of the region asked the head of the association of markets and shopping complexes and governors of the region to comment on these cases.In the discussion, it was also stated that there are cases of illegal operation of cash registers with fiscal memory and lease agreements without state registration. The head of the region emphasized the necessity of conducting explanatory work, assisting in the solution of problems, and in this process, consumers should also contribute, that is, by demanding a check for the purchased products, without fining them. and it was stated that it is possible to regulate shopping complexes.
In the end, Erkinjon Turdimov told the officials to organize concrete sidewalks in all markets so that there are no muddy roads and puddles, to provide the markets with clean drinking water, the required number of trash cans, in a word, the seller and assigned specific tasks with deadlines for creating all the necessary conditions for buyers.
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