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“Battle flag of Amir Temur” has been solemnly welcomed in Samarkand region.

“Battle flag of Amir Temur” has been solemnly welcomed in Samarkand region.

Aybek Saidov, the commander of the troops of the central military district, was awarded the military rank of “Major General” and the “Battle Flag of Amir Temur” by presidential decree, and the “Battle Flag of Amir Temur” was awarded to the commander on the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day,

The flag has been brought to Samarkand today. Initially, the “Battle Flag of Amir Temur” was welcomed in the central streets of Bulungur and Jomboy districts with the participation of public representatives.

After that, the Sahibkiron flag was solemnly welcomed in the Kuksaray Square in Samarkand with the participation of soldiers, deputies, youth, athletes and public representatives.

The governor of the region E. Turdimov took part in the event and congratulated the command of the troops of the central military district and all the people of Samarkand on the acquisition of “Battle Flag of Amir Temur” and noted that it is a matter of pride for everyone.

After the event, commemorative photos with a flag were recorded in history in front of the statue of Amir Temur, and a military parade was organized on Registan Square, and the "Battle Flag of Amir Temur" was solemnly carried through the streets of the city.

Such events are also going to be organized in Narpay, Pakhtachi, Kattakurgan districts of the region.

Date edited: 18/01/2023 09:10.   Views: 503
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