Samarkand regional government w w w . s a m a r k a n d . u z

Ahat Achilov has been congratulated on the holiday

Ahat Achilov has been congratulated on the holiday

The governor of the Samarkand region and public representatives have visited the house of Ahat Achilov, who is a participant of the Second World War, living in the Samarkand district.

His services were recognized and he was wished long life and good health in a heart-to-heart conversation with him. Happy Navruz wishes were expressed to Ahat Achilov and his family members. Indeed, in his place, Ahat Achilov emphasized the need to appreciate today's times and prayed for peace and blessings in the houses. He thanked the President for the constant care shown to the participants of the Second World War.

Date edited: 28/03/2024 08:35.   Views: 203
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