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90 elderly people have been awarded with the badge "Mehnat Fakhriysi " in Samarkand.

90 elderly people have been awarded with the badge "Mehnat Fakhriysi " in Samarkand.

According to the decision on awarding the " Mehnat Fakhriysi " badge, supporting the social activities of Uzbekistan veterans, the board of trustees of the

"Nuroni" foundation a group of Samarkand luminaries of retirement age, who have worked honestly and effectively for many years in various fields, have been awarded with the " Mehnat Fakhriysi " badge of I, II, III degrees on May 6 of this year.

 A ceremony dedicated to presenting them with this badge was held in the regional administration.

 The governor of the region E.Turdimov took part in the event and spoke about the attention and care shown to the representatives of the elderly generation in recent years, the contribution of such luminaries to the development of the economy, production, science, culture, education, health care and other areas.

 Then, 90 active luminaries were awarded " Mehnat Fakhriysi " badges and cash money.

 -I have been teaching the younger generation for more than sixty years, - says Narzikul Shodiev age 85, holder of the badge " Mehnat Fakhriysi " 1st degree, professor of SamSU.  - I hope that everyone can enjoy the hard work of his life when he gets old.  Thank you, I am happy to receive such recognition today.

Date edited: 07/07/2022 18:20.   Views: 324
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